Andrew Forrest Sues Meta Over Facebook Crypto Ad Scams

Andrew Forrest Sues Meta Over Facebook Crypto Ad Scams

Australia’s second-richest individual, Andrew Forrest, has initiated legal action against Meta, alleging that the social media giant facilitated a series of deceptive advertisements on Facebook, causing substantial financial harm to unsuspecting investors. According to Forrest’s lawsuit, over 1,000 misleading ads were disseminated on Facebook in Australia from April to November 2023, resulting in losses amounting to millions of dollars.

Allegations Against Meta

The controversial ads falsely portrayed Forrest endorsing various cryptocurrency pump and dump schemes. These ads were crafted to appear legitimate and cleverly circumvented Facebook’s ad review mechanisms. Forrest contends that Meta’s software, leveraging Generative AI, played a role in creating some of these fraudulent ads.

The Financial Impact of Deceptive Ads

Court documents reveal that Forrest first became aware of such ads in 2019. These advertisements misused his name and image to promote cryptocurrency and other dubious investment products. Some ads featured fabricated testimonials from purported investors claiming to have turned modest investments of $250 into millions within months. Others used manipulated “deepfake” videos of Forrest to bolster their credibility.


Meta’s Role and Responsibilities

The lawsuit also highlights Meta’s role in providing advertisers with a suite of tools to create and enhance ads, accessed through a separate platform. Additionally, it alleges that Meta does not review advertisements prior to payment, allowing fraudulent content to proliferate.

Andrew Forrest’s Fight for Justice

Forrest, renowned for his significant contributions to the mining sector, is taking a firm stand against Meta, seeking accountability and justice for the victims of these scams. This high-profile case underscores the growing scrutiny on tech giants regarding their responsibility in preventing fraudulent activities on their platforms.