Squid Game is a disturbing nine episode series about a world where children’s games turn deadly. The series is meant to make the viewer uncomfortable, to point out our complicity in the perpetuation of social divides. The Squid Game token was reported as a scam after its developers took off with $3.3 million. For those who were scammed this is not a TV fantasy story, it’s the real deal.
As of today, the website for the cryptocurrency is still off-line and Binance Exchange has launched an investigation. It looks like a classic ‘rug pull’, a scam that sees developers abandon a crypto project with investors cash, said NEIL Wilson, the chief market analyst for Markets.com.
Over the course of a few days it rose many thousands of percent to more than $2 860. Then in under one week it rose more than 230 000 percent to $2 861.80. Out of nowhere and even quicker than it rose it abruptly crashed to 0, or $0.003161.
But wait, to add to the confusion the token has now surged a whole 1000 percent in the past 24 hours. This is crazy! Now, the Binance Exchange has announced that it would launch an investigation into the ‘alleged’ exit scam.
This was welcome news for those who where scammed, hoping to recoup some of their financial losses. With 40,000 investors left holding a bag of SQUID coins, they are optimistic that Binance’s actions will shine the light on the entire matter. Stay tuned for the next episode.