Can The Global Reserve Currency Hold The World Together?

Can The Global Reserve Currency Hold The World Together?

There has been an ongoing debate about whether the United States is holding the world together financially. The country’s status as the global reserve currency and its massive debt have been under scrutiny, leading many to question if the US is helping or hindering the world economy. Some even suggest that the country’s collapse could benefit the world’s economy. In this article, we will discuss these issues and explore whether the US is holding the world together financially.

The US dollar has been the global reserve currency for decades, giving the country significant economic power. However, the US has accumulated massive debt over the years, raising concerns about its financial stability. The majority of the pharmaceutical manufacturing was offshore 10-15 years ago, resulting in an inability to produce some essential medicines like penicillin. This lack of self-sufficiency raises questions about America’s economic position.

Moreover, the US owes trillions of dollars to various entities. While the US was once considered the wealthiest and strongest country globally, its financial situation today is far from ideal. Some argue that the US is dependent on unlimited credit, and the card is about to be cut up. Operation Sandman, a collaboration of 100+ nations to sell off their US Treasury holdings, has also sparked concerns about the collapse of the US dollar.

In contrast, other countries such as China and Russia are switching to the yuan, indicating a move away from the US dollar. All fiat currencies have no inherent value, while gold and silver are considered real money. The top 1% is aware of this, and they don’t want the rest of the population to understand it.

However, it is crucial to note that US debt has been the driving force of the world economy. If all US Treasury debt was sent back to the US, the country would be forced to isolate, leading to the collapse of the world economy. While the US is more self-sufficient than any other nation, the world would not survive without the US.

While the US’s financial situation may not be perfect, the country’s collapse would not benefit the world economy. The US’s status as the global reserve currency and its massive debt have kept the world economy afloat. The world’s economy would collapse without the US, and it is crucial to maintain its stability.