Martti Malmi Unveils Satoshi Correspondence: Revealing The Historic Quotes

Martti Malmi Unveils Satoshi Correspondence: Revealing The Historic Quotes

Satoshi Nakamoto, the enigmatic figure behind the inception of Bitcoin, has catalyzed a seismic shift within the crypto sphere. Martti Malmi, a trailblazing Finnish software engineer and integral co-architect of Bitcoin’s early development, has sparked widespread intrigue with a succinct yet profoundly consequential tweet on X (formerly Twitter). Within this tweet, Malmi unveiled a seemingly innocuous message: “My email correspondence with Satoshi in 2009-2011:”


However, the implications of this tweet reverberated throughout the crypto community, leading enthusiasts and experts alike to a remarkable repository of history. The provided link unveiled a comprehensive 70,000-word document hosted on Github, showcasing a series of emails exchanged between Malmi and the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto—the pseudonymous figure behind the creation of Bitcoin. This unprecedented revelation offered a rare glimpse into the early days of Bitcoin, transcending the boundaries set by its original whitepaper.

Malmi’s decision to unveil these long-hidden communications, dating back 13 to 15 years, carries profound significance. He cited an impending legal trial in the United Kingdom in 2024, in which he played a pivotal role as a witness. This legal battle pits the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) against Craig Wright, a contentious figure who has claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto.


Against the backdrop of ongoing legal disputes and fervent debates surrounding Satoshi’s true identity, Malmi’s revelation adds a compelling new dimension to the saga. As the crypto community eagerly dissects and analyzes these historic exchanges, the quest to unravel the origins of Bitcoin intensifies, shaping the trajectory of digital currencies for years to come.

In a landscape fraught with uncertainty and intrigue, Malmi’s disclosure serves as a beacon of transparency, shedding light on a pivotal chapter in the evolution of blockchain technology.